The making of the Woori Mural Project

By Sonja Mazar - Coordinator, Woori Community House

A couple of days before Christmas in 2016 whilst finishing things in the office, I answered a phone call. It was Norman Orr telling me about the Warburton Murals and that if we were interested in doing something similar he would be available to support us. I thought it sounded great and would get in touch with him in January.

Norman and I met in January 2017 to further discuss the Warburton project in detail and how we could continue this at Woori Yallock. In February I extended an invitation to local community groups WHYLD and WYTAG (Woori Yallock Town Action Group), if they would like to partner with us on this project. WYTAG took up our offer with Nicky Kosterman being their representative to work with me. 

We organised to have a meeting with local artists who may be interested in working on the project with us, including the artist from Warburton for guidance. Much was discussed about paint, panels, anti-graffiti, condition of the site etc.

Our next step was to hold community meetings to invite people to bring their photos and assess whether there was enough interest for the project to go ahead and possible sponsorship interest. We held three of these meetings and decided to go forward with the project.

This started our process with applying for funding grants and permits with Yarra Ranges Council. Our original permit was for blue boards that were to be hand painted by artists and attached to the concrete panels at the station. This wasn’t approved due to the condition of the concrete panels.

We then came up with the idea of a free-standing structure which was then approved. We were also successful in a funding submission, so we continued forward, learning a lot on the way. From the first ‘chats’ of our idea, to learning about materials that would meet our needs, Nicky and I were becoming knowledgeable about things we had never thought of before. Hence it is because of our many chats that we finally completed the project. 

Our spontaneous ideas also opened our pathways to people with ideas and skills that were an invaluable contribution to the project. This is how we found Janine, designer of the panels. With permission from Janet Heritage we went to look at some photos at Heritage Funerals Woori Yallock and in explaining the project found that Janine was interested and able to help us complete our panels. And what a fantastic job she did! We are very grateful that she was able to use her skill set to help complete the project.

We have had exceptional support from Miles Rayner at Activity Playgrounds. He was one of the first we consulted with for the possibility of a free-standing structure. At that stage we were unable to be very clear about what we wanted because we didn’t really know how or what we were doing. Two years on, Miles delivered exactly what we needed and further contributed financially to complete the project.

We have had professional support and encouragement from the different sections of council we worked with to help us with responsibilities and timelines.

From a photo we supplied, LaTink and Catten Industries were able to design and produce the Engine and coal tender silhouette structures.

There have been numerous people who have contributed to the project. We are grateful for your information, contributions, invaluable insights, advice, photo submissions, discussions, ongoing support and financial contributions.

Thank you to all.

We would love to hear your feedback on the murals.
Email us at or call on (03) 5964 6857